Principles of Economic
Struggle for final exam..ECONOMY..macam amek course business management la plakkk...ehehhe..btw..i think that this subject is an opportunity for me to learn more about the business world...tak perlu nak amek business management course pon stil boleh blaja basic economy ape..hehhe..
Subject Economy ni actually sronok gakkk untuk dipelajari...sebab lecturer kitorang Mdm. Santhanamery Thominathan sangat cool...dia mengajar dengan penuh dedikasi dan sangat bekerja keras utk memastikan semua yg kat dlm kelas tu paham dengan ape yg dia terangkan. She is pretty too...bcoz she loves to wear saree n baju punjabi with beautiful colors..n the most important factors that i like her is her voice. She spokes very loud and clear and i almost understand what she's been teeachin for this semester...she is a great lecturer!!
And with that i hope that i can pass this subject very well and hopefully suma subject pon lepas gak la kan..hehe..actually this 6th May is the last day of final exam tapi....malangnye ade MUET speaking test on 13th May...
Tak dapat la nak stay lama kat umah yg sangat dirindui..1088E Lorong Terang...hahahhaa...rindu sangat kat Girl..Ferdi and Kenten...arggghhh....rindu kat diorang sumeerr...